Wednesday 20 April 2016

OUGD501 - Research - Trend Predictions for 2016

More than the patterns that emerge from the Popular feeds on Dribbble and Behance, design trends can be a mysterious thing.
They’re influenced by culture and media, past and present, technology, fashion, and other industries.

They come and go, but it’s hard to say exactly when.
Madeleine Morley at The American Institute for Graphic Arts (AIGA) says:
“A trend never simply emerges for a single year and then disappears in a puff of smoke. Instead, an aesthetic becomes popular gradually, even mysteriously, over time before fizzling out slowly without much notice at all.”

The design trends we’ll be covering here didn’t magically materialize in late 2015; trends take time to peak, and you’ve likely seen many of them in one form or another during the last couple years.

But even if you’re not one to follow the trends, as a designer, it’s smart to be aware of the shifts going on in your industry—if only to avoid them before they become overused, or to have the opportunity to twist them into something new and interesting.

While forecasting trends with any certainty is a tricky business, many members of the design industry seem to have developed a consensus as to what styles and approaches are most likely to take off in 2016.

Here are a number of trends that predicted for 2016 that I feel, represent an advancing condition of simulacrum, simulation and hyper-reality:

Modern Retro Style:



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Bright, bold colours:


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Abstract, minimalist style:

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