Saturday 23 April 2016

OUGD501 - Practical Work - Final Realized Manifesto

The central component of my practical body of experimental work is the manifesto for Neuism. It acts as a subtle proposal, suggesting ways in which we can learn from the past in order to move forward. It explains the reasons why a 'cure' is needed.

Neuism. A manifesto to challenge the age of visual stagnancy could provide us with the answer to the condition we are presently experiencing. Neuism aims to alleviate the boredom experienced by many consumers of contemporary visual culture, igniting new passion and encouraging the emergence of pure originality.

At its core, Neuism teaches creative practitioners from all backgrounds and disciplines to try to adopt an ongoing approach/process of merging contemporary attitudes with key principles from modernisms’ past. Neuism accepts the fact the humans very much need nostalgia in their lives, but this nostalgia for aesthetics from the past does not need to define the present. It values the self expression and freedom that postmodernism promotes, but it also values the functionality and rigidity of modernism. Below is a digital version of the final written and formatted manifesto for Neuism:

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