Monday 11 April 2016

OUGD501 - Practical Work Feedback Session

Today I took part in a crit scrawl session, focusing on giving constructive feedback to my peers concerning our current COP practical work development. We were encouraged to write out a number of questions regarding our work, asking for specific feedback.

1) The colours are directly inspired by stagnant water to represent the stagnancy that is being experience in contemporary visual culture - do you think this concept is appropriate and works well?

'Very solid and permanent colour choices, along with the shapes reflect the central concepts well.' 'The colours are heavy but very appealing!' 'Nice, well informed colour choices' 'Nice use of contrasting colours, link to the theme of stagnancy in an exciting way!' 'I feel that there really needs to be more green and brown to make a stronger link to the concept of stagnancy..' 'The gradients are eye catching and exciting to look at'

2) The type decisions were made to represent typewriter fonts. This conceptually links to traditional art movement manifesto writing. Does this work well? If not, do you have any other type suggestions?

'The type decisions work well, they link to the theme of art manifestos in a subtle and contemporary way, looks great!' 'Looks really fresh and contemporary which is fantastic!' 'You get a feeling of looking at something that was written on a typewriter when looking at these posters' 'Type colours work well in conjunction with the background design' 'The type could be less constructed/functionally composed, it feels too structured and detracts from the theme of stagnation in that sense.'

3) How else would promote this fictional exhibition?

'postcards, flyers, websites, apps, leaflets, zines, social media, videos,digital campaign

4) The new movement that I am proposing would be called 'neuism'. Do you think that the title of the exhibition; 'Spot the Neu!' is appropriate?

'The name of the exhibition and new movement is very intelligent and witty!' 'Connotes new in a subtle way which is a nice touch' 'Yes, very conceptual and relevant!'

I was really pleased with all the feedback I received, I am definitely going to apply what people have said to improve this practical body of work.

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