Thursday 8 December 2016

OUGD601 - Practical Work Crit 8/12/16

I found today's crit session pretty useful in helping me articulate the synthesis between my essay and practical research. I discussed the theme of my essay and outlined how I see the conclusion taking shape. I then summarised the synthesis between the overall theme of the essay and the practical work I have produced so far. 

My crit group thought that my ideas so far are inventive, playful and highly conceptual, synthesising nicely with my dissertation theme. They gave me a few areas to consider and refine which I found helpful:

- Consider the inside of the box and what it would include - would be cool to produce a fold out leaflet containing the information about the medication, examples of things that it cures and perhaps the 'side effects' - basically taking inspiration from the slips you find inside paracetamol packaging for example - really like this idea and was considering doing it anyway, the crit affirmed it

- Consider whether or not the packaging needs braille, as these products will be aimed at people who are affected by visual culture. I included the braille for comic effect, but after receiving the feedback, I think I will get rid of it

- They agreed that the packaging should give an indication to the condition it claims to cure - in other words the aesthetic should reflect an aesthetic. They also said that there needs to be a level of consistency to the designs so they integrate as a range of medications. I thought these points were very valid. 

- It was suggested that I look for visual characteristics that run throughout the trend categories on trend list and apply these elements to my packaging design - this way, there will be parody and visual play underpinned by some sort of consistent design treatment

- They suggested I experiment with designing the medication itself - for example, making pills out of clay and decorating them accordingly. The shape and size of the pill will relate to the condition it cures. I think this concept is great, and even if I don't have time to physically make the medication I could always mock it up digitally. 

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