Monday 10 October 2016

OUGD601 - Initial Proposal

At the end of level 05, I was required to produce a dissertation proposal document outlining potential areas for research at level 06. In this document, I outlined that I was interested in examining the relevance of the slow movement within contemporary graphic design practice and wider visual culture. I chose this topic because it can be tied in with themes of postmodernism and current trend patterns in graphic design. The slow movement is a trend in itself which interests me greatly and I thought it would be relevant in relation to the suggested research questions provided by the course.

I formulated two potential statements/question titles for the dissertation:

To What Extent Has the ‘Slow Movement’ Impacted Contemporary Graphic Design Process?

Is There a Future for Analogue Production Methods within Contemporary Visual Culture?

I felt pretty confident about these questions when breaking up for summer and knew that there were areas that I could begin to research over the break in preparation for the start of level 06. Below is my initial proposal, explaining the concerns and areas of interest I had at the end of level 05:

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